Friday, January 28, 2011

When Have I felt I was of infinite Worth

The answer to today's question.

I have had a couple of extremely sacred experiences where I have literally felt the love of Heavenly Father. Both of these experiences happened when I was feeling totally desperate. And I was crying out for help. Once for myself and once for another person. The assurance that I was of infinite worth was simultaneously present with the assurance that each of us are of infinite worth. The first experience was the result of feeling hurt, angry, perhaps even total hatred towards someone else. Along with the love I could feel for myself I new that Heavenly Father valued my enemy just as much as me. And that I could forgive. The second experience I was not understanding the suffering I was seeing another go through. Again, I felt the pure love Heavenly Father has for us, and our infinite worth. I am sure that my glimpses were just that glimpses. That I do not truly understand mine, or anyone Else's worth. As I reflect on the questions of the last week, And as I remember again these sweet experiences, It occurs to me that these true feelings of infinite worth have come as I have admitted in total humility my nothingness.

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