Monday, January 10, 2011

Do Good Stuff

The Bishop said yesterday to just do good stuff. I have been wondering what percentage of my time is spent doing good stuff. Working is probably good. I need to do that. Being obedient. Reading the scriptures. etc. Today I did some good stuff. But I also spent some time being lazy. I don't think that I did really bad stuff. lets see.. I worked. I showered. Went for a walk with Liz and John... But I did whimp out early. I got Jakes part. Went grocery shopping. But ate a pepperoni stick. put groceries away. helped john. surfed the web. recorded food. did not eat a good dinner. So some good a little bad. What would a day completely full of Good stuff look like. I will try that tomorrow. What was my goal yesterday... Honesty. I think I am being honest today.

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