Monday, January 24, 2011

what is valuable

Value. How do we determine value? Jacob asked me last night what I would wish for If I had one wish. When I didn't answer he said that he would wish for a money press. I then proceeded to teach him about currency and how it was truly worthless. That we just use it to simplify trade of things we deem valuable.

This morning The question in my loop was How can we be of infinite worth and be nothing without God
This made me think of little children and how they feel so desperate sometimes with out their parents, yet can be confident and strong in the security of their home with parents.
Then I had a conversation with a young mother who was feeling like a failure because her homemaking skills were not perfect.
So what constitutes value. Do we have to accomplish something? Do we need to look a certain way? Serve a certain way? I am beginning to wonder if it is even possible to produce anything of real value? If we are vegetative we have value. When Larry was dying this last month, he gave very little in the way of what we want from someone. But he was valuable to his family. WHy? Why were we sad to lose him? It wasn't because he was waiting on us. IT wasn't because he was entertaining us. It wasn't because he was giving us gifts or money. In fact some may have defined his existence as a burden. Yet we wanted him to stay with us. We valued him as a person.
Heavenly Father values us because we are his children. Not because we are perfect. The commandments he gives us are for our benefit. Not to secure his love. We do not have to earn his love.
Sometimes in the church we forget about grace. Grace is the saving aspect of the atonement. It is the resurrection of all. It is the ability of Christ to make up for our shortcomings. And it is the pure amazing love that he has for us.

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